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Submission Guideline

Submit your full paper to along with your full name, affiliation, telephone number, or alternative mailbox. We will reply to you in 5-7 days. 

  • The paper should be original, written in English, and not purely a review article. The full text should be submitted for review.​

  • Paper format: The template and format are on the page “Template and Format” under the column  “CFP and Submission”. Authors must prepare their papers using Microsoft Word, according to the guidelines and templates, and then convert these files to  PDF. Submissions must be self-contained. Authors should submit their electronic papers in Word and PDF format.

  • Before submitting, plagiarism checks should be conducted through CrossCheck, Turnitin, or other query systems, with a plagiarism rate of no more than 30%. Papers suspected of plagiarism will not be published by the conference.

Submit your paper to the submission system by clicking the button “Submission”.

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